“Give yourself permission to bring more of you to the table. It’s not really content that engages. It’s people. Human beings are engaged by other human beings” – Tony Bulmer.
People often rely on content and visual resources in order to deliver a great presentation.
And although these elements are important, when it comes to really powerful and engaging presentations, the “human factor” is what makes all the difference.
Imagine Simon Sinek delivering a presentation without all his mannerisms and sense of humor?
Are you able to picture Brene Brown talking to an audience but not being vulnerable and honest?
Or even Tony Bulmer not being cheeky and witty?
Impossible, right?
That’s what I’m talking about.
I bet you can even feel the energy just by looking at these 3 images, according to whom you’re more familiar with.
Likewise, your audience can also feel your vibe, your demeanour, your personality subtly touching and moving them during your performance, regardless of the context.
That makes you and your presentations more effective. But you must be who you are. Authenticity actually matters.
The quirks and uniqueness we recognize in great presenters are, without a doubt, part of what makes their presentations so memorable. It really helps the content stick to our minds like magic.
So let’s talk about your uniqueness, for a moment.
In fact, I’ll let Tony do the talk. Please hit play.
That’s it, folks. You are the single, most important, element that engages.
And with that in mind, I’d like to suggest an exercise.
I encourage you to reflect on the aspects of your personality that you can bring to the table next time you present an idea in front of an audience.
Do that and see how much better you’ll feel about the impact your presentation can have on others.
Enjoy your presenting journey!
And bring your personality to the table.
Every single time.